
August 4, 2009

Cookbook Giveaway

One of the perks of working at Kitchen Conservatory, besides getting to eat all the fabulous food, is meeting all the great chefs who teach classes there. Recently, I met pastry chef and food writer Julia Usher, and she generously donated a copy of her new cookbook Cookie Swap for me to give away! Cookie Swap is a gorgeous book with recipes for decorated cookies and baked treats throughout the year.

If you'd like to win this book, leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite cookie recipe is! I'll pick a random winner next Tuesday.

Oh, and, if you're in the St. Louis area and would like to meet Julia Usher, she's teaching a couple classes at Kitchen Conservatory this fall: Halloween cookies on September 15 & Holiday cookies on December 2. You can see the menus and register HERE.


  1. That book looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! Cookies in general are my favorite - but I swoon over a good chocolate chip cookie!

  2. These are the best cookies -- . I eat them by the bucketload.

  3. Nothing original but I love the Alton Brown receipe for a flat chocolate chip cookie! (I like the thick ones too but there must be something about living in a city that loves thin pizza that is amking me love thin cookies!) :D

  4. Oh that looks like such a fun book to have! I'm adding it to my Amazon wish list right now in case I don't win ;-)

    My favorite cookie recipe is thick and chewy chocolate chip cookies. Dunked in milk, of course!

  5. Pumpkin oatmeal raisin cookies top my list. They're like autumn incarnate.

  6. Melissa Vanost11:37 AM

    Snickerdoodles, my dad's recipe only!

  7. I love jelly thumbprint cookies, especially when I get my roommate to bake them for me.

  8. My favorite cookie recipe is a small twist on very basic shortbread cookies: (Developed from a conglomeration of web and cookbook versions.) I make these most weekends and call them my Sunday Cookies.

  9. A good cookie book is always a must-have in my collection.

    Favorite oatmeal chocolate chip.

  10. Cookie recipe book... goodie!

    My favorite cookie recipe is chocolate whoopie pies with mint icing especially if it was snuck from the freezer when Mom wasn't looking... My 30 year old brother just requested them for his b-day cake!

  11. Man oh man. Who can beat chocolate chip cookies! I like ones that are crispy on the outside, and just slightly chewy on the inside!

  12. What a great giveaway! My favorite cookies so far have been the Orange Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies that I made last month, delicious!!

    P.S. I'm also having a giveaway, check it out over at my bog!

  13. Robin Elizabeth8:08 PM

    There is nothing better than a delicious buttery sugar cookie with cream cheese icing. Yum!

  14. Robin Elizabeth8:14 PM

    Nothing better than a delicious buttery sugar cookie with cream cheese icing. Yum!

  15. You crack me up!!! Last week I made a peanut butter cookie, and wrapped the dough around my favorite mini candy bars!!! Everyone loved them!!!

  16. Hmmm...tough question. White chocolate/Macadamia nut is up there. But my all-time favorites would have to be my grandmother's homemade Christmas cookies. This Christmas my mom and I are going to go through her recipes and type them up (they're handwritten on notebook paper and stuffed in a vintage breadstick jar -- just how she left them before she died).
    -Kristen Miller

  17. Spritz Cookies, my grandma's recipe...perfect everytime! And they're fun for kids too...the cookie press, decorating and of course, eating!!

    I read the review last week on this cookbook....sounds like it would be a fun addition to my growing collection! Hope I win!! :)

  18. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I love the chocolate chip/cherry cookie recipe from a bakery in Los Gatos, Ca I got via bon appetit.

  19. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I really love shortbread cookies - plain, dipped in chocolate, or decorated with icing.

  20. I would love to host a cookie swap. They seem like so much fun. This book is perfect. Our favorite is PB cookies (DUH!!) and choco chip come in a close second. Or is it the Cornflake cookie? Oh, shoot, let's just make all of them.

  21. I love, love, love cookies and this book isn't in my collection yet. My absolute favorite is a warm from the oven chewy oatmeal raisin cookie and I am always experimenting with recipes.

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I must admit the cookie I like best is chocolate-chip oatmeal (occasionally with walnuts). Not an easily-decorated cookie!


  23. justpam12:45 AM

    Cherry Almond Oatmeal is one of my favorite cookies.

  24. Cherry Almond Oatmeal is one of my favorite cookies.

  25. Cherry Almond Oatmeal is one of my favorite cookies.

  26. Pick me! Pick me! My favorite recipe right now: chocolate chip cookies made with agave nectar.

  27. I love a good pumpkin cookie. (And it's finally almost Fall!!!) My favorite recipe has macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips in it. Mmmmmm!

  28. Pick me! Pick me!

    My favourite cookie is the classic Chocolate Chunk Cookie. YUM!

  29. My favorite cookie recipe is for Amish Sugar Cookies that came from a Blue Ribbon Cookbook. They are a great sugar cookie and they can just me made with a cookie scoop.
