
June 16, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Honey Peach Ice Cream

This week's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe was chosen by Tommi of Brown Interior. Here's a crappy, dark cell phone picture of the churning ice cream:

I wanted to take a better picture, but I can't find my camera. I looked for it last night when I dished up the ice cream. I looked for it again today but had no luck. It's difficult to be a food blogger with no freakin' camera! *sigh*

I've been losing lots of thing lately. A few weeks ago I lost a brand new cooler bag. I can't remember exactly when I last used it or where I might have left it. I THINK I left it at a friend's house after a party, but they don't have it. I hate to think that someone at the party picked it up.

This week, I lost the book I was reading. I had it at work on Thursday, then I couldn't find it at home the next day. I looked all over the house, then all over the shop at work on Friday. I asked my co-workers if they'd seen it. Then last night, I remembered that I left it at Jerad's parents' house Thursday evening.

This morning, I couldn't find my keys. Eventually, I found them in the middle of a stack of papers & mail in the dining room.

Sheesh. I must be getting old.


This ice cream is made by cooking peaches (I used nectarines because you don't have to peel them) and honey until soft. The fruit is pureed, strained, and mixed with a custard base. It's pretty yummy...and perfect for summer. Check out Tommi's blog for the complete recipe.


  1. This sounds delicious. I lose a lot of things, too. I think it just means the mind is focused on more interesting things...Wishful thinking?

  2. Bummer about the camera, I'm sure it'll turn up. Glad you liked your ice cream. I like the photo of the churning.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I'm glad you liked the ice cream. I agree with Jamie!

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I've used my cell phone too for a crappy picture, I'm sure a lot of us have! At least your Honey Nectarine Ice Cream came out yummy! =)

  5. I kinda like the picture!
    Glad you liked the ice cream, I wish I had made a little peach for me, but went with all blueberry! None of my "men" like peach.

    Good luck finding things! I always look in the couch or the boys toy box for missing things....small hands "steal" things!

  6. NNNOOOO!!!! Getting old is not knowing that you have lost something until some one else finds it.

    Your ice cream looks so good - even if the pic is dark.

  7. Your ice cream looks great :) I lose things all the time. I always think I'm putting things somewhere "I'll never forget" but apparently it isn't the case.

  8. I like ice cream.
