
August 19, 2008

Tuesdays with Dorie: Granola Grabbers

Thanks to Michelle of Bad Girl Baking, who chose this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe (you can see the full recipe on Michelle's blog). The "Granola Grabbers" made a great breakfast treat for the first week of school!

I started a new job this week. After 8 years of teaching college composition and literature courses, I'm now teaching high school English. I just couldn't make ends meet on an adjunct's pay, especially now that I am divorced. I was teaching 3-4 classes two days a week for a university, teaching 1-2 nights a week for a community college, AND working 3-4 days (including weekends) at the cooking school. It was exhausting! I simply couldn't pass up the salary, insurance, and retirement benefits of a high school job!

It all happened very suddenly. About three weeks ago, I got a call from the superintendent of a district near where I live (the school is about 10 minutes from my house) about interviewing. They needed someone with a Masters Degree in English to teach their college-credit courses. I hadn't applied to the district, but they somehow got my name from someone in my hometown. I interviewed two days later (on a Thursday), was offered the job two days after that (on a Saturday), then officially hired by the school board the next week (the following Tuesday). I signed my contract that Wednesday, organized my room all last week, and started teacher workshops this week. The students start tomorrow.

I'll be teaching four classes: a sophomore literature class, two college English classes, and a two-hour European studies course that will be team taught with a history teacher.

Even though I taught middle school many years ago, I had forgotten all of the extra things that teachers have to standards-alignment, assessment, and such. I have been feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I just want to start teaching. When I plan my classes, I get excited about the possibilities. I hope my students will get excited about something, too, this semester.


Anyway, I made the batter for these granola cookies on Sunday, baked a batch, and was amazed at how good--and healthy--they are! I altered the recipe slightly by using ingredients I had on hand...mixed dried berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, & cherries) instead of raisins, macadamia nuts instead of almonds & peanuts, and wheat bran instead of wheat germ.

I put the rest of the batter in the fridge and will bake them tonight, so that I can take them to school tomorrow...a treat for the teachers' lounge on the first day of school.



  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    congratulations on leaving adjunct hell! i hope it doesn't take long to settle back into the groove. you didn't have very long to plan all those different courses!

    and your cookies are gorgeous, btw.

  2. Good luck with the beginning of the school year. Enjoy the cookies

  3. Good luck on the new job! I know the teachers will be thrilled with the cookies.

  4. While teaching high schoolers isn't a walk in the park - at least all your work will be in one location and the benefits sound great! Your grabbers look great.

  5. Wow, well at least all your work will be at one place - sounds like there was a lot of juggling before this! Good luck with the new job, and nice cookies.

  6. Congratulations! Waiter, another round of cookies for the lady.
    Enjoy your new path.

  7. Congratulations on the new job, best of luck! Your cookies will definitely be a big hit with all the other teachers!

  8. Congrats on the new job! Your cookies look fabulous!

  9. Mmmm mixed berries sound like a great addition!

  10. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Congrats on the new job!!

  11. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Cookies for the teachers' lounge. You will make friends there in no time. ;)

  12. Congrats! I am just starting my second year... you are going to have a wonderful time being back, i just know it.
    I loved having these cookies around because I am going through a bunch of orientations right now, and they have so many store-bought donuts and muffins for refreshments. I just "grabbed" my cookies instead! :) Good luck.

  13. Congratulations on the new job! I've always been impressed by those who teach and I wish you every success. Hope the first day went well and that everyone enjoyed the treat you baked them. The cookies look good, and I'm glad you enjoyed them.

  14. Good luck with your new job! Hope things settle into a routine soon.
